How Good Is the Springfree Trampoline Bounce?
min read

It’s fair to say – and maybe a bit obvious – but the bounce on a trampoline is pretty important. It is, after all, the reason we love to get on a trampoline.
Experiencing that freedom and exhilaration of the wind whooshing past your ears as you catapult yourself up, knowing you have a nice soft landing below you, only to be pushed into the air again… and so it goes.
Believe it or not, there is actually a bit of science that goes into the bounce of a trampoline.
Like all things, different people have different ideas on what is ‘bouncy’. Some of the characteristics that people look for include mat firmness, whether there is a soft deepness to the bounce or a harsher response, the shape, and the jump height.
From the technical perspective: “Bounciness is the amount of energy that the trampoline gives back to the jumper on each bounce. The more this is, the higher the jumper will go after a few bounces.”
There is some commentary that suggests that a rod-based or springless trampoline is not as bouncy as a spring-based trampoline.
What you’ll often find is traditional trampolines with short, stiff springs have a jarring stop to a deep impact on the mat. By contrast Springfree trampolines are designed to provide a relatively soft, deep bounce. Springfree Trampoline rods are designed to be equivalent in stiffness to the long 10-inch trampoline springs while many domestic trampolines are fitted with springs that are small in diameter and 15 to 20cm long with three times the stiffness.
Doctors and trampoline coaches approve of the benefits of a softer bounce because it puts less load on the jumper’s joints and body during exercise or play, for adults as well as children. This reduces the chance of joint and muscle strain injuries.
But springs are not the only thing that impacts the bounce. The mat also plays a big part in determining how bouncy a trampoline is.
After conducting tests in the ‘Springfree lab’ we were able to confirm most of the wasted energy is lost by air-pumping, caused by the trampoline mat motion. Smaller mats therefore lose less energy. More porous mats also lose less energy, because the air can pass through them. This is why you’ll see gymnastic trampoline mats are much more porous than back yard trampoline mat material, so the jumpers can get much more height.
Springfree bounciness by this measure, is virtually identical size-for-size with spring-based trampolines
You might ask, why not have a very porous mat like the gymnastic trampoline mat, for back yard trampolines? The answer has to do with safety: We don’t want children bouncing too high. It is safest to keep the bounciness at the current level for domestic trampolines, with the long-lasting mat material that we have had in the industry for many years.
Another common myth with springless trampolines is that the jumping surface twists during use and therefore can cause twisting to the knees. Whilst a Springfree Trampoline looks as if it would twist during a bounce, the effect is undetectable in normal use. Even when jumpers make heavy bounces right on the edge, the twist is not something they notice or mention.
To provide a little perspective, if a (round) trampoline mat is considered as a clock face, the lateral movement of the rods is equivalent to the distance the minute hand moves in 3 seconds. (Not the second hand, the minute hand.). Meaning the lateral motion is all but undetectable, especially when bouncing, and is simply not registered by the jumper.
Whilst we can share plenty of data, it really comes down to the families and what they think of the bounce. So, we thought we’d some of the feedback we’ve received, with you, below.
This is one amazing little tramp- small but mighty! Lots of bounce and perfect size for our yard.
We upgraded from another popular brand and would highly recommend Springfree - quality and aesthetic can't be beat! Has great bounce for my little gymnast and kids find it really easy to get in and out of it with the large zip closure size (previous trampoline from another brand was quite awkward).
Perfect size, bounce factor and comfort in the kids independent use of it.
Not only the product is unique and unlike anything else in the market with unbelievable bounce, safety and strength, but the company, product and customer support are an example.
The bounce of the trampoline is level and doesn’t throw little ones around like I’ve seen in other trampolines.
We researched many different brands and are so glad we got the Springfree, it is so safe, easy to move around (to save the grass) and has an awesome bounce!
If you're keen to try out the bounce of a Springfree Trampoline before buying, take a look at all the locations you can view and try one out.